Campbeltown Picture House needs your support
Last year, Lesley Anne agreed to join the board of the Campbeltown Picture House – a cinema in a remote part of Scotland, serving a local rural population. The cinema is currently under refurbishment and due to open again in 2017 with the latest in technology and comfort housed in one of the oldest “atmospheric” cinema buildings in the UK.
The idea of new breathing life into such a unique and classical venue was a major reason for joining, but Lesley Anne also wanted to keep fresh the company’s knowledge of the economics and dynamics of running a cinema.
In terms of progress to date, the Picture House has already secured the bulk of the funding (£2.5M/$3.75M) and appointed a contractor to restore and refurbish the building and work starts in earnest early in March. As part of the smaller, second-phase funding, we are now seeking the final £200K/$320K to fit out the interior, develop educational spaces and create a social hub for the people of Campbeltown. In many ways this is the most important part – this is what turns a building into a valuable community asset.
Fundraising launched with two events in Campbeltown and Glasgow at the beginning of March 2016, but we are spreading the net much wider than this to people and organisations that have an interest in preserving the heritage of cinema and its key role as a social and entertainment hub for far flung communities.
So we’re reaching out to you to consider how you or your business might support the Campbeltown Picture House. This is not just about the importance keeping an iconic cinema like this open, but also our ambition to make it into a model for rural community digital cinemas throughout the world.
Please consider supporting the Campbeltown Picture House in any way that you can – even if it is just to endorse us/spread the word on FB/Twitter – or, even better, make a donation to the cause.
Donate via Virgin Money Giving