Culture and Climate Change

We’ve been working around culture and climate change for a number of years. This work includes building an artistic programme to communicate and tell the story of climate change, as well as creating environmental action plans.  

Cultural Adaptations team
Cultural Adaptations team

Lesley Anne is currently a Story Weaver with Scottish Communities Climate Action Network, managing their 1000 Better Stories blogs and delivering writing skillshares and workshops all aimed to enable people to tell their personal climate change journeys.

We were delighted to be part of Cultural Adaptations a Creative Europe project, led by Creative Carbon Scotland with partners in four EU countries. This project focused on culture’s role in society’s adaptation to climate, and the adaptation issues that cultural organisations need to think about. It sought to find creative, innovative and place-based responses to climate change impacts, equipping cultural organisations and cities with the knowledge and skills they need.

Through this project Lesley Anne worked as an Embedded Artist with Climate Ready Clyde an initiative to create a shared vision, strategy and action plan for an adapting Glasgow City Region. The Cultural Adaptations website is filled with information and resources including a tool kit on Adapting Our Culture.

Read Lesley Anne’s blog for the 4th European Climate Change Adaptation conference held in Lisbon in 2019 on why a new approach to climate adaptation strategic development involving artists is needed here. And her Let Me Tell You a Strategy: telling the story of change blog here.

Other resources include Adaptation Scotland’s webinar on Creativity and Climate Change which covers creative approaches to facilitating engagement, visuals for climate change communication and embedded artist experiences, and features Gemma Lawrence Culture/SHIFT Manager at Creative Carbon Scotland and Lesley Anne.

In connection with this project, Lesley Anne also researched and wrote a foresight report, Climate Ready Clyde – The Value of Partnership. The report forms part of the Connected Clusters project, providing Sustainable Scotland Network members and partners valuable insight into Climate Innovation Clusters in the U.K.

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