Set in 1983 against a backdrop of Greenham Common and a Thatcher landslide election victory, Greenham gives voice to living with the threat of nuclear war, four minute warnings and domestic, as well as global, acts of violence. It explores barriers and what we do when our backs are against the wall, or in this case, the fence.
Greenham focuses on the stories of three women brought together in the shadow of cruise missiles. As politics become personal, each are forced to face up to the cracks in their lives, confront the secrets they’ve buried and the relationships they’ve created.
As pressure mounts the women risk breaking down rather than breaking through, until help appears in the unexpected form of a disillusioned American solider, proving that the enemy within is often your greatest ally.
Greenham has been written by Lesley Anne Rose and has been supported by a grant from the Tom McGrath Trust which funded a research trip to Greenham Common. Extracts from the text received a rehearsed reading at the CCA in Glasgow as part of an event celebrating the work supported through this Trust.